Aerosol Can Manufacture in ChinaAerosol Can Manufacture in China

Aerosol packaging has been used since 1941, when it was invented by an American chemist. It's widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic and household cleaning industries using aerosol containers and packaging, some common aerosol household products include hair spray, cleaning disinfectants and air fresheners.

But how to choose the right packaging for your aerosol products? There are somethig we have to consider.

Depending on the product, it is important to determine the size and basic color of the container.  For aerosol tinplate cans, the sizes commonly in the market are diameter 45mm, 52mm, 57mm, 65mm, 70mm, and range of 86mm-300mm in height.  The most common opening on the top of the can is one inch(25.40mm).  As far as base coat color options, there are three, white, clear or colorful printing.

As for aerosol tinplate can's body decoration color, the options available include oringinal tinplate, white coating, traditional lithographic printing, matte effect and metal effect printing.

Another important thing to consider is prodcution standards. We, China Guangzhou MEGA, all prodcuts are followed the standard ISO9001.

One of the last things to consider is how much pressure is required for you to disperse the product from the valve.  Your product filler or chemist should guide you on the pressure resistance required to ensure your product dispenses correctly. All aerosol cans produced by Guangzhou MEGA are higher than the national quality standard required.

  • Common standard aerosol tinplate can: deformation pressure 1.25~1.35 Mpa (12.5~13.5 bar), burst pressure 1.35~1.50 Mpa (13.5~15.0 bar)
  • High pressure aerosol can: deformation pressure 1.50~1.70 Mpa (16.0~17.0 bar), burst pressure 1.80~2.10 Mpa (18.0~21.0 bar)

If your company is looking for options with aerosol packaging, then Guangzhou MEGA Aerosol Can Packaging can help. Contact Guangzhou MEGA Aerosol Can Packaging today or talk with one of our knowledgeable packaging solutions specialists by emailing